There is no evidence either from ethnographic
accounts or archaeological excavations to suggest
that rates of accidental trauma or interpersonal
violence declined substantially with the adoption
of more civilized forms of political organization.
In fact, some evidence from archaeological sites
and from historical sources suggests the opposite.
Mark Nathan Cohen
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 2:52 AM
Subject: Property Fairness Initiative

The KCGOP and Washington State party are very hostile to many conservatives, especially on Property Rights issues. Diane Tibelius and the party leadership (the people who gave us Reagan Dunn and screwed over Steve Hammond) are all about pandering to the left. They are not our friends.
Ms. Tibelius and her cabal did everything in her power to block any serious conservative planks on the party platform. However, the grassroots republicans (like our friend Doug Parris at, who provides excellent coverage of the convention on his website) succeeded in getting some strong conservative values added to the platform. Some of these related to property rights, and one included eliminating citizenship for "anchor babies" (children of illegal aliens).
The resulting platform is available at 
